Formal Bits and Pieces

Registered Member of the BACP
As a Registered Member of the BACP (British Association of Counselling and
Psychotherapy) I abide by their code of ethics.
I am also accredited by the BACP which means I have undergone a further
process of evidencing my ability to work with you that is based in theory.
I attend to my Continual Professional Development on a regular basis so as to learn new ways of working with you. I also engage with twice monthly
supervision to ensure that I am working effectively.
If you would like to explore getting the most from therapy, the following
websites have further information
Please be aware this is not a crisis service
If you are in a state of crisis or feel that you are a serious risk to yourself or others, you must seek IMMEDIATE EXPERT ASSESSMENT by contacting your GP/ out of hours GP service or the emergency services.
If you feel unsafe and need immediate help, call 999
Alternatively, go to your nearest hospital with an Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department. The on-call local psychiatric team will be able to help you.
For urgent mental health support (non-emergency) - call: 111
To talk to Samaritans call: 116 123 or
Free, confidential, 24/7 text messaging support service for anyone who is struggling to cope: Text SHOUT to 85258 to contact the Shout Crisis
Text Line
Mind - 0300 123 3393 (Information line)
No Panic – 0300 772 9844 Support for those living with Panic Attacks,
Phobias, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders and other related anxiety
Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) – 0800 585858, webchat
available 5pm – Midnight
Contact Vanessa here
Would you like to feel empowered, find the capacity to act, be in charge of your life, explore your qualities, feel inspired to grow, find your resilience,
safely recover, be fully heard, learn to tolerate strong feelings and feel validated?
Call Vanessa: 07791 018 753
Email here
I find it rewarding to work closely with individuals on a variety of issues to
promote their well-being and achieve their goals. I look forward to hearing
from you.
Privacy Statement
Every care is taken to ensure that your private information is treated with trust and respect.
Because I need to hold information on you, I am obliged by GDPR and the ICO to keep your information safe.
No information, in normal circumstances, will be given to anyone, unless I have your written permission.
There are however, certain circumstances in which I may need to break confidentiality; you will receive more detail when we begin to work together, and my full privacy policy is available on request.